Customized solutions for conflicts with potential.
Family Advisor
Sparring partner
Consulting for Startups
Family Advisor
Families have a history as well as a future together.
Even in the best families conflicts occur. In the role of a Family Advisor I help families to look clearly into the future and to find out what they really want. This allows family members to gently untangle themselves and avoid unnecessary family conflict.
Here, too, you benefit from my experience. With the right distance, I am more likely to recognize family dynamics that can become obstacles. My neutral lens allows me to question family rules and messages and see if they are appropriate and helpful – or not.
When an outside professional is present, a family discussion or brainstorming session also runs more loosely. Family members don’t lack the ability to communicate. But a formal process often leads to new outcomes that lead out of the old rut
Sustainable development requires personal persistence.
Mentoring is a highly individualized approach and is completely responsive to a person’s needs. The focus is not on short-term success as with a coach. Here, everything revolves around the long-term development of the “mentee” – whether he or she wants to advance professionally or personally. In the process, the mentor contributes his or her knowledge and skills. He creates a relationship based on appreciation, empathy and mutual trust.
As a mentor, Daniel Kertesz Conflict Mediation Solution knows how useful it can be to have an experienced and trustworthy companion at your side – especially in difficult entrepreneurial phases around change management or company handovers.
Sparring partner
Change at the top level begins with an exchange at eye level.
When the sparring partner joins in the training, the punches are thrown in the boxing ring just like in a competition. Only in this way can the trainee improve his or her skills.
Sparring helps managers and entrepreneurs to get ahead. Here, ideas are tested and jointly developed so that managers can expand their own skills. This pays off and brings more than paying a lesson in real situations, damaging one’s own career or endangering the company’s success.
Thanks to my experience, it is clear to me how sensible it is to critically question new ideas and strategies – especially in the environment of executive committees and boards of directors. Often the involvement of an outsider opens one’s eyes to new perspectives and helps to see things in a different light. In this respect, I am happy to be challenged by you in order to question your ideas and strategies with knowledge and experience.
Consulting for Startups
All beginnings are hard. Especially if you start wrong.
Startups are young, creative entities at the beginning of their entrepreneurial story. They focus 100% on an idea or a product. All too often, their own company development is only defined and introduced “on-the-go”.
In many cases, important questions fall by the wayside: What are our real interests? Where does our motivation lie? What goals are we pursuing? Is our structure right? And what are the financial possibilities? In all these ambiguities lie seeds of conflict. Perhaps this is precisely the reason why many startups do not survive more than three years.
As an experienced entrepreneur, I have already founded several companies in various countries and thus acquired cross-divisional knowledge. You too can benefit from my expertise to optimize your own structures and avoid conflicts.