

To make the conflict resolve,
not the teamwork.

Conflict in business
Getting conflicts out of the way instead of avoiding them
Change Management
Conflict Coaching
Conflict resolution systems

Conflict in business

A bad atmosphere is bad for business.

Conflicts lurk everywhere, but especially where people work and communicate with each other. Often, it is difficult to create enough distance in the work environment so that negative emotions do not disrupt work performance and the working atmosphere. Then smoldering conflicts can spread like a virus throughout the company, dampening the mood and making communication impossible – often for no apparent reason.
As long as conflicts inhibit the quality of work or its completion, no corporate goal can be successfully planned for the long term. And there are also limits to economic activity.
Managers spend 30 to 50 % of their working time mediating internal and external conflicts. No wonder, the question arises how to manage these conflicts positively and economically. I have the answers and the solutions.

Getting conflicts out of the way instead of avoiding them

Anyone who ignores conflicts in companies is on the wrong track. Instead, they must be addressed, dealt with and resolved. This is the only way to deal with each other better and to let processes run optimally.
I also support your company in accepting conflicts and using the opportunities that arise from them. In a personal exchange we identify hidden costs of conflict in the company and together we develop an effective plan of action to reduce conflicts in the long term.

Change Management

When many things change, everyone should be involved.

“Change Management” is the name given to the far-reaching process of change within a company. It concerns all strategies, structures, processes or behaviors that flow into an organization and are implemented internally. How successful these changes are, however, depends heavily on whether they are accepted at every level and effectively implemented by all employees. If this is unclear, uncertainties and conflicts can arise.
I support you and your company in initiating change processes, involving all participants, solving conflicts or eliminating them in advance. I advise managers as well as employees at every level.

Conflict Coaching

Every perspective counts – regardless of position and hierarchy.

Conflict coaching comes into play so that people are better able to participate in, manage or productively resolve conflicts.
Conflict coaching helps in many areas: The method proves itself in conflicts at the workplace or in decision-making situations just as well as in disputes in the community or in conflicts in day-to-day business.
Also among executives abilities lie fallow.
Here the role of the conflict coach falls to me. As a confidential listener, I help those involved to see the situation from all perspectives. As a consultant, I support your company with possible solution options and work with you to develop an action plan that makes dealing with conflicts easier. Conflict coaching is not only aimed at executives: anyone who improves their conflict behavior also expands their own skills in the process.

Conflict resolution systems

No conflict is worth repeating.

A world without conflict does not exist and is not worth striving for. But as the old saying goes that you should not make the same mistake twice, it is also not worth repeating the same conflicts all the time.
The best way to ensure that recurring conflict situations can be handled consistently is to create conflict resolution systems. They create transparent and trustworthy processes in the company and eliminate arising conflicts quickly and in a structured way.
Daniel Kertesz Conflict Mediation Solution will be happy to work with you and your team to create a clear and fair system for dealing with and eliminating conflicts. In parallel, I also support you in communicating, implementing and monitoring.

 I’m here for you. Let’s get in touch.

I’m here for you. 
Let’s get in touch.